The Viomedic and Viobreath group aims to comprehensively cover its customers and partners’ needs, supplying them with top products and providing high quality services.

Our collaborations with leading manufacturers in the fields of respiratory equipment and medical devices, our continuous training in new technologies in the fields of Medical Oxygen and Respiratory Apparatus, as well as our devotion to the highest quality standards, allow us to form a leading framework that obtains Quality Certifications and achieves complete customers and partners’ satisfaction.

Absolute Satisfaction

We aim to satisfy our customers and partners through the quantity, reliability and quality of our available products and services.

Speed and Efficiency

The fully-organized network of the Viobreath and Viomedic group offers speed and reliability in the nationwide coverage of our B2C and B2B customers’ needs.

Certified Safety and Quality

Our B2C and B2B customer service and technical support follow the strictest safety and quality standards.

Top Respiratory Equipment Products

Through our exclusive and premium partnerships with leading international manufacturers, we achieve cost reduction and guarantee the quality of our products.

Quality Certifications

The quality of the group’s services is certified for the Management System and the Quality Management of Medical Devices, by ISO 9001: 2015, as well as for the Good Practice for the Good Distribution Practice of Medical Products and Medical Devices, by HTCert: Ministerial Decision ΔΥ8Δ/Γ.Π. ΟΙΚ/1348/2004.


ISO 9001:2015 για το Σύστημα Διαχείρισης και τη Διαχείριση της Ποιότητας Ιατρικών Συσκευών


HTCert: Υπουργική Απόφαση ΔΥ8Δ/Γ.Π. ΟΙΚ/1348/2004. για την Ορθή Πρακτική Διανομής Ιατροτεχνολογικών Προϊόντων